With heads aspinning,
I think we are all wondering just how it all happened.

Well, everyone in the family knows Lois.

That says it all.
Lois had an idea.  As a result,
on October 29, 2000, four generations of one family
descended upon the Grande Chalet in Wayne, NJ.

Lois, I don't know how you got it all together but...


To anyone in the family....or not....ENJOY!!!

Well of course, Lois and I took pictures of each other
taking pictures of each other.
Had to.
Aunt Nelly looking on, telling us we are idiots.
We know.

Left to right...Aunt Nelly, Lois, Kathy (friend who is family),
Danielle, Brucie (sorry, but "Brucie" it will always be), Vikki, Anthony.
Who is who?  Ummm....later....

Left to right: Nicole, Antonia, Aaron, Maryann,
Frankie (sorry, but as Brucie is stuck with Brucie, you are stuck with Frankie),
Aunt Nellie, Lois.

I think everyone knows that it's left to right
so I'm not going to bother saying it from now on...
Aaron, Maryann, Frankie, Aunt Nellie, Lois, Kathy.

Some background...who is who?

Starting with Willem and Theodora Zijm/Zym...
take it to their daughter Cornelia, who is Aunt Nelly, from there to

Lois and Betty, her daughters.
Betty moved to Las Vegas and became Liz.

Margie is Betty/Liz's daughter, Brucie is Lois's son.
Susie and Allison are Margie's daughters.
Danielle is Brucie's daughter.

It's all really uncomplicated.

Frankie, Aunt Nelly, Betty/Liz, Jim

Vikki, Anthony, Allison, Danielle, Damion.
Devon is in the foreground.
Really neat kids, my new Step-Grand-Nephews!

Danielle and Damion, Margie, Steve in the foreground.
That's Susie above Steve.

The South Dakota Connection.

Margie, Susie, Steve
I had never met Susie before.  What a hoot!
We talked of "scalped potatoes", "maaaa-naise" and porky-pines"...
(maybe you had to be there...LOL!)

Liz and Lois
This is just one of the best pictures
that was taken that day.
And it's a link.  Go ahead, click on it!

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