Kemmerlin Kids


Well, some of them are, anyway.

There is something like 20 years between Grandma Lettie's first and last kids.
The older kids here could be the youngest of the uncles.

These first pictures are from 1941.
(I think).

Only thing I can say for sure is that
the adult in the back of this shot
is Daddy Jack.

I know you love visiting someone who is virtually clueless!

Don't you just LOVE school pictures?
Remember having to sit for them?

Well, that's what's coming up next.   School Pictures...
and you are absolutely correct, I don't know any names.

But I do know dates.
Some came pre-dated, Mom put the dates on the others.

Carroll Dukes

JoAnn Dukes

That's it.   The end of the school pictures.

Someone has to recognize these little darlings,
it's Grandma or Grandpa!